Network of Radio Stations Contact Page

Due to the high volume of email we receive, we ask that you fill out the form below. This will expedite the delivery of your comments or questions to the appropriate department or individual. All fields are optional, but if you require a response, please be sure to include a valid email address or phone number.


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Please type in the code exactly as in the graphic and hit Submit.


Your mail will be forwarded to the appropriate person or department.
Remember, if you would like a reply, please be sure to supply a valid email address or phone number above.
Please be patient, we will get to you as soon as possible.

All customer information collected is intended for lead generation purposes only.
KD Radio Inc. hereby agrees to and guarantees full confidentiality of any and all customer information acquired,
further assuring that captured information will remain in-house and protected from 3rd party use or dissemination.